11th Annual El Grito de Dolores Celebration
September 15, 2022
7 P.M. – 11 P.M. | Downtown Bakersfield (Liberty Bell)
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Mariachi San Marcos, Ballet Folklorico Huaztecalli, And More!
Vendors and Food Booths
8:58 P.M. from Mexico City
The Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce presents the 11th annual KCHCC “El Grito de Dolores – an honorary Mexican Independence Day” celebration on Thursday, September 15th in front of the Kern County Liberty Bell in downtown Bakersfield.
The event will take place from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. outside and in front of the Kern County Superior Court Building. The section of Truxtun between Chester and L St. will also be closed off for the duration of the event. The public is invited and admission is free.
Attendees will experience cultural including ballet folklorico dancing, mariachi music and a re-enactment of “El Grito.” A street fair with vendor booths and food will also be onsite. At 8:30 P.M. Telemundo Valle Central will broadcast live to Mexico City.
“This culturally significant event has turned into something cultivating in our community. We are bringing Mexico to you. We establishing tradition. We are proud to invite the entire community to attend and enjoy our Hispanic culture live in downtown Bakersfield,” said KCHCC President/CEO Jay Tamsi.
The “Grito” — “the Cry of Dolores” or “Cry of Independence” — commemorates Mexican Independence Day each year on Sept. 16. In Mexico City, the president re-enacts “El Grito” by ringing the bells of the National Palace at midnight. In Bakersfield on Sept. 15, the start of KCHCC National Hispanic Heritage Month, hundreds of residents will gather at the Liberty Bell at the Kern County Superior Court for a joyous commemoration of the historic event.
The event is presented by the KCHCC’s Business Education Foundation, Jim Burke Ford and Chevron.
For more information about the event contact KCHCC’s office, 661-633-5495 or

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